Biggest theft of Internet credentials in History: Russian Hackers steal 1.2 billion usernames and passwords

In what’s believed to be the largest stockpile of stolen Internet credentials in history, a Russian hacking ring has gathered more than 1.2 billion unique Internet credentials, according to Web security experts. The relatively small group has reportedly collected passwords along with user names and email addresses. Hold Security said it has uncovered about 1.2 […]

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Nigerian scammers adopt new sophisticated technique dubbed "Silver Spaniel"

Cybercriminals in Nigeria are continually evolving their attack strategies, and have created next-generation malware able to compromise businesses and organizations that they previously ignored. The old school “419” phishing tactics once infamously deployed by Nigerian spammers still occurs, but the criminals want to steal data from a larger number of victims using better designed strategies. […]

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Google wages war against hackers

Google has launched a new initiative to help significantly reduce the number of people harmed by online attacks. The company is hiring a crack team of researchers, called Project Zero, who will be entirely dedicated to improving security across the Internet. Google said that the team will work to improve the security of any software […]

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